The Fry Truck
This is one of our newest additions in our food truck line which would be perfect for pop-up events and capable of serving more than just fries!
This is one of our newest additions in our food truck line which would be perfect for pop-up events and capable of serving more than just fries!
<br /><img class=”alignnone size-medium wp-image-4134″ src=”×139.png” alt=”” width=”300″ height=”139″ data-mce-src=”×139.png” /><br />
Sample Output per Hour*</p>
<li><span data-usefontface=”false” data-contrast=”none”> 450 Medium Fries </span></li>
<li><span data-usefontface=”false” data-contrast=”none”> 540 4 piece nuggets</span></li>
<li><span data-usefontface=”false” data-contrast=”none”>TBD Baked Goods</span></li>
<li><span data-usefontface=”true” data-contrast=”none”>375 8oz Smoothies</span></li>
<li><span data-usefontface=”true” data-contrast=”none”>300 Soft Serve</span></li>
<li><span data-usefontface=”true” data-contrast=”none”>100 Hot Drip Coffee</span></li>
<li>Unit Equipped with</li>
<li>1-3 Vat Frier</li>
<li>Has the capabilities to plug and play the following
<li>Blended Ice Beverage</li>
<li>Hot Drip Coffee</li>
<li>Soft serve machine* will need additional generator</li>
<li>Oven for baked goods* will need additional generator</li>
<li>FBC Machine</li>
<p>Staff Needs</p>
<li>2 – 6 staff needed depending on menu</li>
<p>Local Staff</p>
<li>Depending on menu</li>
<p><em>*Estimated max output</em></p>
Need Help?
Cell: 208-608-3560<br />Email:
Need Help?
Ethan Reese
Cell: 208-608-3560
McDonald's Sampling Program